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A Travelling Song

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South Africa
Two actors, Gcina Mhlope and Patrick Shai, meet on the stage-set of Athol Fugard’s “Playland”, and consider this task, in a documentary about South African history and filmmaking.
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The past is A TRAVELLING SONG which cannot easily be suppressed or silenced. It travels with us and shapes our future. For South Africans to create a new ‘song’ after endless years of oppression much needs to be re-interpreted re-discovered and re-born. Two actors, GCINA MHLOPE and PATRICK SHAI, meet on the stage-set of Athol Fugard’s “Playland”, and consider this task. They perform and improvise on the stage but realise that the theatre is too confined a space for the stories they seek and that they are bound to go out into the real world. Patrick descends two kilometres underground in a metal cage to meet the men who dig gold in mines worked for 100 years. Gcina meets their wives. All of this creates a very unusual, very different documentary film, which they find themselves making. Indeed, they realise they will have to make several films. In fact, they will need a whole new TV channel.

Director: Lindy Wilson
Features: Gcina Mhlope and Patrick Shai
Lindy Wilson Productions
Lindy Wilson is a South African documentary film-maker whose films have been broadcast locally and internationally. Through her films she has chartered graphic aspects of South Africa’s history under apartheid and its transition to democracy and has recorded its capacity to face the gross human rights atrocities of the past through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Her films are used as archival witness in universities and museums.